Another Angel Assigned

Another Angel Assigned

Author: Dr. Zari Banks
May 16, 2023

You know how sometimes you need something done in a different place than your present location because you can't be two natural places at once? That's one of the things angels do for us, Saints. They can appear as your form or unseen. Either way, they know how to get things done for us who believe.

Monday morning, I was assigned ANOTHER angel. Well, that's not completely accurate. This angel had been assigned to me however long ago, but it just recently occurred to me to ask that the angel for this specific realm be revealed to me (Jeremiah 33:3). When you mature into co-laboring, working with angels is a regular thing because that's what many of them are created to do (Hebrews 1:14).

When he was introduced to me, I literally asked, "Is he the only one? 'Cause this is me you're dealing with." And, the woman in white linen who was helping me in The Court of Records replied, "He's qualified." I had an assignment for him so before commissioning him I asked what resources he needed to perform that assignment with excellence. He asked for two things; one was a light wand. Heaven is exciting. We thought light sabers only existed in the Star Wars movies, but Yahweh had them first.

I made sure he got the two things he requested and I also asked Abba for a legion of additional ranks and commanders to assist him because ... well, it's me he's assisting and he's got his work cut out for him.

Get to know your angels well. You will get more of your Destiny accomplished on Earth if you do. They do great work and love to serve and partner with you to fulfill Kingdom tasks. If you don't know your angels' names - ask. Then, get to work advancing The Kingdom.

I bless you in Yeshua's Name and authority. 

