
Walking with Jesus

By Dr. Zari Banks
August 29, 2024

We've been in a season of focused prayer for three weeks and each time we meet it's more explosive than the last time. I want to share some of today's encounter, but first: a reminder. We are 1123 Ministries, based on Mark 11:23. In 2015, I got hooked on Prophet Kenneth E. Hagin...


House of Hype

May 05, 2024
Shalom, shalom, shalom, Saints & Sons. We concluded MMGT2024 a week ago and I'm still flying high from being in that Heavenly atmosphere. Heaven has been teaching me about sound, frequency and vibration. If your religious spirit is cutting up after reading those words, close...


Intercession: 5/7/2023

By Lisa
February 26, 2024

I began by speaking in tongues and then I went into Heaven and just heart, "Books." I asked what books. Holy Spirit said, "Books of Innovation. Heaven will unveil new ways to do things. Innovative ways to get things done." He said, "Increase, increase, increase. This is a season...


Intercession: 9/11/2023

By Tiffany Renee
February 21, 2024

Shalom, This session as I entered I immediately saw fire reigning down from heaven! When I asked why it was falling from heaven I heard, "It's prophetic utterance. Lean into the prophetic words spoken over the ministry; there is a great wave coming your way." He wants you to be...


Intercession: 1/1-1/7/2024

By Lisa
January 07, 2024

I stepped into heaven. The Lord met me and He opened his mouth and water came out into a cup. He handed me the cup and said do you wish to partake of The Living Water? I said, 'Yes, Lord, I am honored to receive straight from The Source of Living Water.' He then grabbed fo...


Kingdom Momentum

By Dr. Zari Banks
January 03, 2024

You have a part to play in advancing The Kingdom. Fulfilling your Destiny is bigger than you. Fulfilling your Destiny, the one Yahweh Elohim imagined for you before you were born (Psalm 139:16), also fulfills His Plans for humanity. The desires He's placed in your heart can...


Intercession: 12/25-12/31/2023

By Lisa
December 31, 2023

I then stepped into heaven and Jesus met me on a path where he was walking with me and the leaves were flying around our feet and a wind was blowing. I asked what this meant and the Lord said this is a new season and the old leaves for the last season are falling away. ...


SOG Day 5

By Dr. Zari Banks
December 15, 2023

Shalom, shalom, dear ones! I pray you've enjoyed playing along with me this week. I'm a gamer, so ... it's how I do. I hope you've signed up for text alerts, emails and downloaded our iOS app if you have an iPhone or iPad. If you need assistance with either of these things, pl...


Level Up: Matthew 21:22

By Dr. Zari Banks
December 15, 2023

Mediate Matthew 21:22 Whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith & really believing, you will receive. This is a blank check. Believe.  The word 'receive' here in Greek is lempsesthe which means to take, to grab hold of as if by force. If you get serious about rec...


SoG Day 4

By Dr. Zari Banks
December 14, 2023

Blessings, blessings, blessings in Yeshua's Name!! It's Day 4 of Season of Giving and I've got a much-coveted prize available today - The Fountain of Youth from The LORD wild yam, hormone-balancing cream. That's what I call it. Listen, you need this, your kids need it, your spou...


SoG Day 3

By Dr. Zari Banks
December 13, 2023

Woo-hoo, Day 3!! There has only been one winner each day so they're collecting multiple prizes for their wins. Today's reindeer game is below. Congratulations, Shawn-Ta, for winning Day 2. Yesterday's question was to be emailed. It was: Saturation of The Things of GOD ma...


SoG Day 2

By Dr. Zari Banks
December 12, 2023

Welcome to Season of Giving Day 2!! Let's get right to today's reindeer game. Email your answer to Here's your clue: Saturation of The Things of GOD makes for a solid core. What is the name of Zari's money mentor?  Congratulations to Lisa for win...


SoG Day 1

By Dr. Zari Banks
December 11, 2023

Shalom, shalom, loved ones! Welcome to Season of Giving Day 1. Today we have five (5) prizes and I'll choose what you receive as Holy Spirit leads for the first five (5) correct answers given to the true or false question posed. You need this clue to answer: Reindeer games are...


Season of Giving

By Dr. Zari Banks
December 10, 2023

Shalom and Adonai bless you exceedingly! It's a season of giving naturally plus it's Hanukkah and we're here for it. We love, honor and appreciate you, Partners. Forgive me if I don't say it enough, but we do. We want Abba's Best for you and your generations and to be a blessing...


Level Up: Mark 11:23

By Dr. Zari Banks
December 03, 2023

Meditate Mark 11:23 Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, "Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him." You have what YOU say. SAY what you wan...


Level Up: Luke 10:19

By Dr. Zari Banks
December 01, 2023

Meditate Luke 10:19 Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses; and nothing shall in any way harm you. No enemy can overtake you unless you re...


Intercession: 10/30-11/5/2023

By Lisa
November 09, 2023

I prayed in tongues and interceded for Zari, Zayne, and Patti and her daughter for 15 minutes. I then stepped in and I saw this path through the desert and there was a hidden path covered by, I think, mesquite trees. I saw the ground bubbling up and water coming out. It...


The Ekklesia

By Dr. Zari Banks
August 28, 2023

Jesus never told you to pray for demonic systems. Think about that the next time you're advised to pray for your government. Demonic systems must be overturned so people can exit slavery, live and thrive. If you don't know our government is a demonic system at this po...


Breaking, Shaking & Moving

By Dr. Zari Banks
July 11, 2023

Shalom and Adonai bless and deliver you, Saints & Sons! Been spending time with my folks (The Godhead) and messed around and received a prophetic words for us. But, before we get into that, here's what's happening while I'm on summer vacay. Praying with Power and ...


Never Been Seen

By Dr. Zari Banks
May 25, 2023

Shalom and Chag Shavuot Sameach! During prayer this morning, Yahweh released the following over us. This is an amazing decree, but it's not even the only thing He gave us. He poured out Fire and much more for this Pentecost season. This specific thing, though, is what I'm medita...


Another Angel Assigned

By Dr. Zari Banks
May 16, 2023

You know how sometimes you need something done in a different place than your present location because you can't be two natural places at once? That's one of the things angels do for us, Saints. They can appear as your form or unseen. Either way, they know how to get things d...


It's Wedding Season

By Dr. Zari Banks
May 15, 2023

This morning as I was waking up and coming out of a dream, someone asked me, "Are you buying toys?" I replied, "No, it's wedding season." This was kind of odd. I don't know if it was attached to the dream I was having or if it this snippet happened specifically so...


Season of War

By Dr. Zari Banks
May 10, 2023

Today I stepped into Heaven in The SCB group and I was immediately doing kata. For those who haven't read my past posts on kata the definition is, 'A kata is an exhibition of a martial arts skill or movement, especially a pattern of such moves, such as a sequence...


Live By the Seed

By Dr. Zari Banks
May 03, 2023

I live by the seed. That's Yahweh's Way for getting our needs met. Genesis 8:22 - as long as the Earth remains we can sow seed and receive harvests. I sowed a penny on March 24 for tires; they cost just under $700. I got the money for them April 26th. Then, on April 21st (...


Glory Release

By Dr. Zari Banks
February 25, 2023

Shalom, shalom. Tonight during prayer when I stepped into Heaven, Yeshua came by and reminded me of and asked if I was using the camouflage He'd released to me last month. I told Him I'd used it a couple times, but had forgotten about it. Then, He explained I need to use ca...


Family History

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
February 09, 2023

BIBLE STUDY: These are the records of the generations (family history) of Noah. Noah was a righteous man [one who was just and had right standing with God], blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked (lived) [in habitual fellowship] with God. ~ Genesis 6:9 AMP Yahweh's ...


Pregnant Again

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
November 07, 2022

Y'all I'm pregnant AGAIN! I just gave birth in September and it's only the first week of November. Know what that means? ACCELERATION! You better grab hold of this anointing and get soaked. Two pregnancies in two months - my womb was fertile, restored quickly and received The ...


The Trickle Will Become an Avalanche

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
October 18, 2022

Chag Sameach Simchat Torah! Joy of The Torah! The fall feasts are complete and this is the day the annual Torah reading ends; it will start again with Bereshit/Genesis this weekend. We attended The Southwest Believers' Convention the first week of August, and since returning I...



By Zari Banks, M.Ed
September 24, 2022

Blessings, Saints! Instructions for 5783 are already coming in. This afternoon I heard The Spirit of God say, "Camels need water." You need to be able to provide for and keep what He desires to give you in this new year. You should've already been preparing to receive, learni...


Chinese Believers

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
September 23, 2022

Shalom and Adonai bless you, Saints! Last week during the Prayer Intensive (9/17/22) I had a vision of speaking in front of Chinese Believers in their native language, but in tongues for me. I heard, "New tongues for Chinese Believers." This is a common occurrence with tongues,...


Pesach (Passover) 5780: Divine Protection

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
April 09, 2020

Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month they must each select an animal of the flock according to their fathers' families, one animal per family. - Exodus 12:3 Thank God for Jesus! Literally ... do that right now. I'll be here when you come back....


Please, GOD

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
April 05, 2020

Did you know that when praying to Adonai you don't have to say, 'please?' It's true, you don't. Saying please is good manners in the natural, when we're speaking to others it sounds nice, but it's not required when praying biblically. In Hebrews 4:16 we're told by Rabbi Sha...


Unrestrained Worship

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
March 29, 2020

Shalom, dear ones! I had a visitation during the PPDFH call this afternoon like I haven't had in a very, very long time. Everything started out like normal, I was declaring The Word and then received a tongue and The Spirit of God showed up. It was unexpected but definitely...


As Jesus Is

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
November 21, 2019

Effective prayer requires praying The Word. And you'll have greater faith in your prayers if you know who you are in Christ Jesus; which is also found in The Word.  The spiritual realm is framed by God's Laws. He is El-ohim, The Creator, Supreme Ruler and Lawgiver, an...


Right-Now Healing

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
June 30, 2018

I went to a doctor's appointment with someone yesterday. I anointed them with oil and prayed over them right in front of the medical professionals. Now I'm expecting God to show Himself mighty as a sign to them and to also bring healing to this body that has been told there's...


Holy Spirit Nuggets

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
June 20, 2018

We have a nice core group attending the conference so far. But we'd like more to come. We're looking for those tough cases who haven't had sustained success with all the renunciations, prayers, anointings, etc. that were meant to turn their lives around but didn't stick. ...


2017 Year-End Review

By Zari Banks, M.Ed
December 29, 2017

2017 was easily one of the toughest years of my life. But I believe rewards are def in store for 2018. Greater deliverance and rewards. Be blessed!  
