Intercession: 9/11/2023

Intercession: 9/11/2023

Author: Tiffany Renee
February 21, 2024

This session as I entered I immediately saw fire reigning down from heaven!

When I asked why it was falling from heaven I heard, "It's prophetic utterance. Lean into the prophetic words spoken over the ministry; there is a great wave coming your way." He wants you to be prepared.

I keeping seeing teen conferences; they were in different cities. Maybe the ministry will host these summits.

I saw mothers homeschooling their children in the compound. I saw glimpses of what the compound looked like; there was a beautiful garden then lead into the sanctuary. The sanctuary sat in the middle of the compound and as I walked in there were classroom where spiritual equipping was taking place. The garden was breathtaking!

We then took flight to a 3rd-world country there was a conference taking place and the people were being healed. As the healing was taking place there was actual gold coins falling from the ceiling. We could pick them up in the natural! It was a miraculous convocation teeth were growing back, wombs were being filled, limbs were growing back.

I was in awe and I heard Abba laugh. He said, "I'm so excited to do this because you are willing and you believe. Your Faith has moved me  He then gave me a box. within it had keys to cities. I have enlarged your territory. I asked what cities; California, Arizona, Oklahoma, Ohio and Nevada are what came to me.

