Intercession: 1/1-1/7/2024

Intercession: 1/1-1/7/2024

Author: Lisa
January 07, 2024

I stepped into heaven.

The Lord met me and He opened his mouth and water came out into a cup. He handed me the cup and said do you wish to partake of The Living Water? I said, 'Yes, Lord, I am honored to receive straight from The Source of Living Water.' He then grabbed for His side and handed me bread and said do you want to eat of The Bread of Life? I said, 'Yes, Lord, I am honored to be apart of You.

The Lord was telling me we need more blue in our daily diet because of antioxidant properties, nutrients and for respiratory and mucus expectorant properties, lower inflammation, eye health, prevent heart disease and cancer, and good for brain health, boost mood and fight anxiety and depression. He spoke to me about blue and some purple as well. He was speaking to me about antioxidants and immune boosting properties in these items. He told me I can use many of them in my skin products as well because they have hormone-balancing properties and anti-aging properties. I fell asleep to him still speaking to me about combinations I can use in products. It was really exciting.

He was speaking to me about all these ideas that He wants to share with each of us in
The Father's Payroll. Ideas and things to not only set us apart from the rest of the businesses but also prosper us in such a way that sets us apart. He wants to teach us and show is so many truths so that we have answers that the world needs and they will seek us out to find it when they are realizing everyone else is lying to them. When they come to us for the truth they will find the ultimate truth, Jesus.

I stepped into heaven [again later]. As soon as I came in The Lord walked with me into The Courts of Heaven and asked me to come before The Righteous Judge and dedicate my businesses and website and ask for it to be recorded in Heaven as a business in The Kingdom, seeking Kingdom first. I pledged to put my Father's Business first and seek The Kingdom first. The Righteous Judge gave me a deeds or titles from Heaven for several businesses not just the one. He said everyone connected to Zari for business needs to make sure they are coming into The Courts to have their businesses recorded and pledging to put Kingdom first and our Father's business first. If we want ideas and strategy we only need to seek Him first. He loves to be a part of our projects and businesses. He loves to see us succeeding and without struggling and working so hard.

He then took me out to walk along the beach. He spoke to me about stress and anxiety and doing things to avoid feeling this way. I noticed I was feeling this way the other day and I don’t know why. He told me it’s in the air and if we don’t discern it we will fall prey to it. He said that’s why He was speaking to me about things to incorporate in our diet to avoid, but also just reminding us to come into Heaven and spend enough time with Him. He said we begin doing this and then allow other things to interfere with our time with Him. We need to be consuming The Word and being in His Presence daily to thrive as a true believer in this world right now. We need Him to be so close to us during this time. He’s gonna be able to warn us of things to come and prevent a lot of heartache.

He spoke to me about wanting to clean bloodlines and release blessings that have been held up or hidden from generations. He wants to revive family lines. He’s doing a work in families this year.

He said, "Zari’s family will count her blessed and show her honor and respect for the blessings God is releasing on the family for her sake. Because Zari is faithful and righteous and honest I am gonna show My Favor and lavish My Love on her family and those who honor her."

